
Call For Abstracts


May 2018


June 15th 2018


June - July 2018


August 2018

Physiological Measurement Focus on Biological Oscillations and Health

All contributions will be invited to submit a full paper to a focus collection in “Physiological Measurement” (IF 2,0 in 2016).

Guest Editors: Maximilian Moser and Alberto Porta

The journal team is interested in the following topics:
Biological rhythms in health and disease Biological oscillations and inflammation Spontaneous fluctuations in risk assessment and patient stratification Cardiovascular optimization by phase coordination Nonlinear and multiscale dynamics and health
Chronoprevention: the use of biological rhythms in prevention
Chronodiagnostics: the use of biological rhythms in diagnosis Chronotherapy: the use of biological rhythms in therapy

Please find further information as well as the the instructions for authors at this page